Grandville: The Game

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The long-awaited Grandville tabletop battle game is now at the printer and will soon be on sale. Using the popular 7TV ruleset from Crooked Dice Game Design Studio, the Grandville Programme Guide contains playable profiles for LeBrock, Ratzi, Billie and 35 other individual profiles detailing their allies and enemies.

Included is an exhaustive Grandville timeline dating back to the Great Flood and ending with the events of Force Majeure. There are also stats for steam-driven vehicles, gadgets as seen in the graphic novels and rules for characters that suffer injuries.

The programme guide contains seven playable scenarios (‘episodes’) set in both Paris and London. Some involve classic characters from the books, some introduce new characters like the Phantom of the Follies and the mercenary Gun Dogs. Plus snippets of never-before seen Grandville scripts, written by Helena Nash. All approved by Bryan Talbot.

The Grandville Programme Guide is an 80-page hardback book. Separate high-quality profile, gadget, injury and countdown cards will also be available.

A copy of the 7TV rules are needed for play. Available from Crooked Dice Game Design Studio: